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An even cleaner service!

The UK laundry industry is a major consumer of energy, using power for everything from heating washing water to generating steam for pressing. Here at Petersfield Linen Services, we’ve always tried to minimise our carbon footprint, but this year we’re what you might call a giant step forward!

As part of an ongoing review of our energy consumption, we’re switching from burning heavy fuel oil to using natural gas to generate steam. The new fuel system will be in place by the end of 2016. The project to embracing this cleaner, more efficient fuel is in the more-than-capable hands of Phil Stammers, who’s been our Chief Engineer for 24 years.

We’re also taking positive action to ensure we use as little washing chemical as possible, while obtaining consistently good results for our customers and taking care of the linen. This involves working closely with our chemical suppliers, and running regular independent wash tests on our linen. For more information, please ask to see our latest TLC test results.

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